Hey there! 👋 My name is AJ Kueterman
I love to build Android, iOS, and macOS apps. I live in Cincinnati with my wife Hayley, our son Rory, kitty Nova, and our many plants 🌱
I have a few apps in the App Store & Play Store - including OctoNote, fuzZzy, and Fit Foods Coach - which I built with my friends at Base11 Studios, a local dev shop here in Cincinnati. I also just launched my first ever macOS app - Unclack - on Product Hunt!
For more about me and what I’ve been working on recently, check out my resume.
I’m passionate about technology and the art of building software. I’m interested in team dynamics & developer advocacy, the challenges of managing technical products, and understanding how technology products are changing. I’m a proud member of the #AndroidDev community on Mastodon. I read Hacker News obsessively. This site is sometimes an attempt to put these mixed passions into words, while not taking myself too seriously.
When I’m not coding at work or for fun, I like to listen to podcasts, play D&D as both DM and player, draw, play tabletop & video games, watch pro golf, and enjoy good (and bad) TV. On a nice weekend in Cincinnati I can be spotted frequenting local breweries and coffee shops.
Check out some of the apps that I’ve helped build with my friends at Base11 Studios.
The site is written in markdown using VS Code, built with Jekyll, and hosted on Netlify.
Some other goodies
- My Star Wars gifs blog StarWarsGifs.com